2020, Number 2
Results of the percutaneous vaginotomy with needle of trigger finger disorder in Mayabeque
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 151-162
PDF size: 958.50 Kb.
Introduction: Stenosing tenosinovitis of the hand flexors or trigger finger disorder is a pathology which causes the blockage of the proximal flexion tackle of the finger. Different conservative treatments have been described but the surgical treatment is necessary in cases that the conservative one fails; so it is necessary a surgical opening of the tackle A1.Objective: To evaluate the results of the percutaneous surgery with needle of trigger finger disorder in in the Orthopedics and Traumatology Service in Mayabeque.
Methods: A descriptive, cross section prospective study of series of cases type was carried out, from November, 2015 to November, 2016 in Mayabeque. A percutaneous vaginotomy was applied to 18 patients, who presented 20 trigger finger disorders. Sex, age, affected finger, stenosis degree, the recovering of the movement function and the complications with this surgical procedure.
Results: A 95 % of good results was obtained with this percutaneous procedure applying Tanaka method. Female sex prevailed. The fourth finger was the most affected, the 45 % of all the operated fingers presented a grade II of stenosis. The recovering of the movement function was excellent which was achieved before the 5 days, according to Strickland method, in the 75 % of the cases only one complication occurred.
Conclusions: Percutaneous vaginotomy solves satisfactorily the morbidity that trigger finger disorder produces. It is a semi invasive, easy, rapid, well tolerated procedure with low cost that provides an optimal functional recovering and an immediate return to the daily activities.
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