2020, Number 2
Severity of chronic periodontitis in elderly adults
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 141-150
PDF size: 942.25 Kb.
Introduction: Periodontitis in elderly adults generates a higher Number of teeth seriously complicated, which in many occations end in dental loss, so, this problem requires a good diagnosis and an adequate treatment.Objective: To determine the severity degree in chronic periodontitis in elderly adults.
Methods: An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was performed, from January to December, 2018, at ¨Mártires del Moncada¨ Provincial, Teaching Dental Clinic, in Santiago de Cuba. The universe was composed by 60 elderlies with diagnosis of chronic adult periodontitis, in both sexes, of 60 and more year old who gave their informed consent to participate in the research. A structured survey was applied, using the variables age, sex, periodontal risk factors and critical condition of periodontitis. As summary measure, absolute and relative frequencies were used. The statistical valuation was performed by X-square test, with a degree of significance of α=0,05, for a 95 % of confidence.
Results: The 60 to 64 age group and the female sex prevailed; advanced periodontitis, was significantly present in a 46.7 %; and dental plaque, smoking habit and poor oral hygiene, were the risk factors that most affected in this study.
Conclusions: A high Number of elderly adults present the most destructive way of chronic periodontitis, reaffirming that the periodontal state gets worse with age.
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