2020, Number 3
Project “For who deserves love”, an extension approach to childhood cancer in the Ciego de Ávila municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 703.85 Kb.
Introduction: the "For whom deserves love" project involved students and professors of medical sciences careers in activities with child and adolescent cancer patients and their families in the municipality of Ciego de Ávila.Objective: to describe the results obtained when developing the extension project.
Methods: a descriptive observational research was carried out between January 2014 and December 2019, which began with a documentary analysis of the project, its reports of partial and final results, as well as the undergraduate and postgraduate study programs, programs and records of elective courses and other audiovisual materials. For this, theoretical methods were applied, and the established ethical precepts were met.
Results: a multimedia was created, health hearings, special morning hearings, radio, television and written press outreach, and recreational festivals were implemented, among other actions. Six awards were obtained, including the annual student health (2019) and scientific communications were made in 11 events (some of an international nature) and two publications in high-impact journals. In addition, the proposal to create a multidisciplinary consultation was argued.
Conclusions: the results recognized in the awards obtained contributed to the health education of the patients and their families involved, to the scientific preparation of the participating students and professionals, and were communicated in events and publications.
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