2020, Number 3
Risk factors of nmeonatal sepsis in the Provincial Hospital “Antonio Luaces Iraola” Ciego de Ávila
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 276.00 Kb.
Introduction: infections of the fetus and the newborn are an important cause of morbidity, mortality and sequelae.Objective: to identify the maternal and neonatal risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis.
Methods: an analytical observational study of unpaired cases and controls (1:2) was developed at the Provincial General Teaching Hospital “Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola” from Ciego de Ávila, from January 2015 to December 2016. The universe consisted of 55 newborns with neonatal sepsis (cases) and 110 newborns without this condition (controls). The information was collected from the individual medical records and the case control registry of the neonatology service. The odds ratio was used to identify the magnitude of the association between neonatal sepsis and each of the risk factors.
Results: low birth weight, invasive maneuvers, vaginal infections and labor contributed to the increased risk of neonatal sepsis. The factors that contributed the most were vaginal sepsis and invasive maneuvers.
Conclusions: the identified risk factors that influenced the appearance of neonatal sepsis indicate the need to insist on the primary prevention of vaginal sepsis during pregnancy, as well as on the factors that are related to the appearance of low birth weight. Invasive maneuvers in secondary health care should always be considered carefully, taking into account the important role they play in the appearance of sepsis.
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