2019, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2019; 57 (6)
Breastfeeding and infant feeding in the first level of attention
Santiago-Cruz RM, Alvarado-de Luzuriaga E, Monroy-Azuara MG, Arciga-Vázquez GS, Cano-Vázquez EN, Cruz-Apanco U, Palma-Jiménez I, Méndez-Martínez S
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 387-394
PDF size: 159.18 Kb.
Breastfeeding is one of the oldest and most useful
practices for human race. It is crucial for optimal
newborn development and yet the stigma built around it
has proven to be devastating for its implementation over
the years. For the past few decades, numerous studies
have been conducted to shed light on the countless
benefits of breastfeeding and to cast off the taboo
around it. In 1991 the World Health Organization,
together with the United Nations International Children's
Emergency Fund, created the Baby-Friendly Hospital
Initiative (BFHI) with the aim of protecting, promoting
and strengthening breastfeeding in hospitals and health
centers, through the implementation of
10 steps to
successful breastfeeding. There are a number of
requirements that must be fulfilled in order to implement
this initiative. However, due to local and regional
characteristics of each health care unit, a certain degree
of adequacy of these steps is required for its
implementation. Therefore, at the
Instituto Mexicano del
Seguro Social (Mexican Institute for Social Security),
seven steps and three annexes have been adapted for
their implementation in the first level health care units of
this institution.
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