2020, Number 2
Obstetric risk scale for preterm birth for pregnant women in the first level of health care
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 726.17 Kb.
Introduction: premature birth increases damage and death due to low neonatal weight.Objective: to validate by experts the design and content of a scale for the identification of obstetric risk of premature birth for the first level of care.
Methods: an epidemiological study of risk was carried out in stages: in the first stage, the frequencies of the variables were estimated and the possible association, point estimation and confidence intervals of the risk factors were identified; in the second the scale was designed; and in the third it was validated by expert criteria (preference). The universe was the total number of women who gave birth between 2009 and 2012 in the Ciego de Ávila municipality, 423 cases with preterm births and 846 controls with term births, selected by simple random sampling. The ethical precepts were fulfilled.
Results: when describing the sample, a group of 20-24 years prevailed (34,28 %). History of preterm birth (OR 4,78), multiple pregnancy (OR 4,73), urinary tract infections (OR 3,42), poor maternal weight when it was captured (OR 3,28), family dysfunction (OR 3,08) , vaginal infections (OR 2,89), low weight gain (OR 2,07) and smoking (OR 1,60), were strongly related. The ideal point value of 10 was estimated at week 20 of gestation for classification. The experts rated the scale as very adequate.
Conclusions: the obstetric risk scale was validated by experts as an instrument for anticipating damage quantification. The specialists emphasized its application in the 20th week of pregnancy.
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