2020, Number 1
The felt need for dental prostheses as a health problem
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 430.91 Kb.
Introduction: the felt need for dental prosthesis is that referred by the patient with a real need, who requests the appropriate services for the solution of his problem.Objective: to characterize the felt need for dental prosthesis in the population of 18 years and over with real need.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out on the 401 people 18 years of age and older, with a real need for prosthetic rehabilitation, at the "Joaquín de Agüero y Agüero" Polyclinic, in Camagüey between October 2015 and April 2018. A survey was applied and ethical principles were followed.
Results: 66,08 % of the patients showed a felt need that increased gradually by age group up to the older adults (28,18 %). The male sex prevailed (22,19 %) among those who did not express a felt need. However, among those who did show it, the female predominated (43,14 %). Regarding the educational level, the majority had pre-university level (20,20 %) and basic secondary (15,46 %). The main reason given for requesting prosthetic rehabilitation was to improve chewing (50,12 %).
Conclusions: more than half of the population with a real need for prosthetic rehabilitation, showed a felt need; it was dominated by females and pre-university educational level. There was a gradual increase in need in the age groups, and the main cause was improved chewing.
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