2020, Number 1
Educative intervention on oral hygiene in children from the bolivarian school “Francisco de Miranda” in Caroni Venezuela
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 419.97 Kb.
Introduction: schoolchildren live a stage characterized by intense learning processes. In it, values, attitudes and behaviors are forged towards life and taking care of your oral hygiene. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness when applying an educational intervention on oral hygiene in schoolchildren of primary level of education. Methods: a pre-experimental community intervention type before-after study was carried out in 60 children between eight and 11 years of age from the Bolivarian School “Francisco de Miranda” in the Caroní municipality, Bolívar state in Venezuela, between April and December 2015. A survey with a diagnostic questionnaire was applied to measure the level of knowledge before and after the intervention. In addition, the Love oral hygiene index was used for its determination at the beginning and end of the study. From the initial results, an educational program was developed and applied. Ethical precepts were followed. Results: the 10 years (36,67 %) and the male sex (66,67 %) were the most represented. Before instruction, eight children (13,33 %) had a good level of global knowledge about oral hygiene, and subsequently it rose (86,67 %). In the same way it happened with the three themes partially evaluated. Before the intervention, oral hygiene verified through dentobacterial plaque control was poor (90,00 %) and afterwards, good (93,33 %). Statistically significant differences were found in all of them. Conclusions: the effectiveness of the educational intervention on oral hygiene was demonstrated in primary school children.REFERENCES
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