2020, Number 4
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Arch Neurocien 2020; 25 (4)
Respiratory physiotherapy in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. A systematic review
Abal-Monteagudo R, Da Cuña-Carrera I, Alonso-Calvete A, González-González Y
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 9-22
PDF size: 312.19 Kb.
Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a central nervous system disease with a progressive
degeneration of superior and inferior motor neurons, causing several complications, specially respiratory
problems. Respiratory physiotherapy has a great importance in this disease, since it can improve
considerably the pulmonary function and gases changes, increasing the air volumes and decreasing the
respiratory work, facilitating then the elimination of bronchial secretions. Thus, the aim of this study is to
review the scientific literature in the last 5 years about the physiotherapy in ALS patients.
Development: A systematic review was carried out, searching in PubMed and Web of Science with
the terms “amyotrophic lateral sclerosis” y “respiratory therapy”. 217 results were obtained, and after
the inclusion and exclusion criteria 19 studies were selected. All works analyzed carried out different
interventions in respiratory physiotherapy such as VNI, phrenic stimulation, Cough-Assist or exercise
Conclusions: Respiratory physiotherapy seems to be effective for patients with ALS, except from phrenic
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