2020, Number 2
Interrelationship between Orthodontics and Periodontics
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 444-451
PDF size: 349.03 Kb.
The periodontium is the group of tissues that protect and support the teeth, which are related in their development, topography and functions. The periodontal ligament is one of them: that is a structure of connective tissue surrounding the root of the to oth and joining it to the alveolar bone. The orthodontist moves the teeth at the expense of this structure, so the success of orthodontic treatment depends in part on the integrity and health of the periodontal tissues. In this research, we present an adul t patient who received treatment as a result of the interdisciplinary cooperation between specialists in Periodontics and Orthodontics. The patient had established diagnoses and presented etiological factors involved in common conditions of both specialtie s. An adequate treatment planning was established, according to the case, to guarantee her aesthetics and oral health.REFERENCES
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