2020, Number 2
Bibliometric profile of the Periodontics specialty in Villa Clara, 2014-2018
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 406-412
PDF size: 232.42 Kb.
Characterizing the scientific production of teachers of a specialty is a growing need to understand and improve the generation of knowledge. This study was conducted with the aim of describing the bibliometric profile of the Periodontics specialty in Villa Clara province from 2014 to 2018. The study universe was composed by the 36 publications made in the selected period, which were included in the main repositories and databases consulted: Virtual Health Library, Cumed, SeCiMed, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Latindex, SciELO, Scopus and LILACS. Publications per year, publication type, theme, productivity by authors and collaboration were the variables studied. It was concluded that scientific production remained at similar levels for years, and that most of the articles were original papers.REFERENCES
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