2020, Number 2
Factors in the development of intersectorality for oral health promotion in preschool children
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 320-336
PDF size: 497.08 Kb.
Introduction: health promotion can be defined as a sociopolitical process, or a strategy, that contributes to improve people's quality of life. Intersectorality is a solution to achieve these necessary transformations.Objective: to characterize the developmental factors of intersectorality for oral health promotion in preschool children.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive research, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, was carried out in Sagua la Grande municipality, Villa Clara, from 2017 to 2018. We worked with the entire preschool population (326). The following methods were used to collect information: documentary analysis, interviews, questionnaires and observation in primary schools.
Results: the presence of the following determining factors was determined: deficient actions on oral health promotion, lack of knowledge of children, teachers and families on oral health, inadequate oral health habits, low socio-economic level of the family, and non-existence of areas for dental brushing. Other conditioning factors were also found: lack of training and actions on oral health promotion, and low intersectoral motivation to carry out these actions. Triggering factors were: absence of programs and projects that support oral health promotion, lack of a methodological strategy on oral health in the methodological work system of the educational sector, and analysis of the oral appearance.
Conclusions: the presence of determining, conditioning and triggering factors of the intersectoriality for health promotion in preschool children was evidenced.
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