2020, Number 2
Efficacy of acupuncture and suction cups in patients with acute sacrolumbalgia
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 287-304
PDF size: 402.24 Kb.
Introduction: sacrolumbalgia is a serious health problem that can afflict any people at some point in their lives; for this reason, efforts are made to increase the rehabilitation of patients and their social reintegration.Objective: the aim of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture and suction cups in the treatment of patients with acute sacrolumbalgia.
Methods: a randomized phase III therapeutic clinical trial was conducted on those patients who came to the Natural and Traditional Medicine service of the Rehabilitation Room at "Juan Manuel Páez Inchauthi" Polyclinic in Moa, Holguin from July to December 2017. The study universe consisted of 80 patients; the sample was selected at random and consisted of 60 patients. Two study groups were formed: group I received acupuncture treatment, and group II with suction cups. Both groups were diagnosed with Bi syndrome.
Results: men predominated in this study (63.3%), as well as study group II (66.7%). The age group from 40 to 49 years was the most affected. The predominant exogenous factor in both groups was the wind. Bi syndrome due to the wind was found to be the most effective in acupuncture therapy, as it was when the suction cups were applied.
Conclusions: 100% effectiveness of acupuncture and cupping therapy was found; this resulted in improvement or cure of patients with acute sacrolumbalgia.
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