2020, Number 2
Anthropometry in overweight pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 250-266
PDF size: 512.00 Kb.
Introduction: excess body fat in women of childbearing age has doubled in the last 30 years, so this nutritional status has become a threat to the stability of pregnant women. Overweight and obesity are known to be associated with multiple complications.Objective: to describe the anthropometric indicators in healthy overweight pregnant women according to affinity of adiposity variables and degrees of overweight.
Methods: an analytical cross-sectional study was carried out from October 2016 to October 2017 in all overweight pregnant women of three health areas belonging to Santa Clara municipality. The multivariate classification method: two-step cluster analysis was used, as well as descriptive measures of central tendency and dispersion of the studied variables.
Results: two clusters were obtained and in one of them pregnant women with greater adiposity were gathered; average values of body composition variables were higher in cluster 2 and in overweight grade II.
Conclusions: the grouping of overweight pregnant women, according to affinity of body fat variables, allowed obtaining groupings of relative correspondence with the established degrees of overweight.
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