2021, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2021; 63 (2)
All-cause excess mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico.
Palacio-Mejía, Lina Sofía; Wheatley-Fernández, Jorge Leonel; Ordóñez-Hernández, Iliana;López-Ridaura, Ruy; López Gatell-Ramírez H, Hernández-Ávila M, Hernández-Ávila JE
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 211-224
PDF size: 620.57 Kb.
Objective. To estimate excess mortality from all causes in
Mexico in 2020.
Materials and methods. We constructed
an endemic channel with deaths (2015-2018) establishing the
epidemic threshold at the 90th percentile, comparing with
death certificates counts to estimate excess mortality.
At week 53, there were 326 612 excess deaths (45.1%),
with a maximum in week 28 (98.0%) and a minimum at week
41 (35.2%); after week 42, the increasing trend remained
for the rest of the year. It was proportionally higher in men,
mainly aged 45-64 years, however, in those aged 60 and over,
the highest number of deaths occurred.
Conclusion. In
Mexico, excess mortality has been prolonged compared to
other countries, with high interstate variability. This could be
explained by socioeconomic conditions and the high prevalence
of comorbidities in the Mexican population.
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