2021, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2021; 63 (2)
The family affluence scale for research on social inequities in Latin American adolescents health
Pérez A, Thrasher A, Monzón JC, Arillo-Santillán E, Barnoya J, Mejía R
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 201-210
PDF size: 277.82 Kb.
Objective. To assess the family affluence scale (FAS), which
consists of self-reported number of computers and cars in
the home, having one’s own bedroom and holidays, as a family
socioeconomic status (SES) indicator for adolescents in
three Latin American countries.
Materials and methods.
14 717 secondary students from Argentina, Mexico and
Guatemala were surveyed. The association between FAS
and other SES indicators at familiar level (parent education
and owning of technological goods and services) and school
level (marginalization index, public or private school, and
school fee) were evaluated.
Results. The FAS was associated
in the expected direction with all other NSE indicators.
Conclusions. The FAS seems to be a valid indicator of the
material wealth of adolescent families, as well as of school
SES, and it can be used in studies on health inequities in Latin
American adolescents.
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