2020, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2020; 12 (2)
Program of early Intensive rehabilitation in patients with brain and vascular disease
Gutiérrez SR, Bolaños AO, Rodríguez MA, Herrera SY, Mederos AA, Aguiar PG
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 389.60 Kb.
Introduction. The advances in the investigation show that the human brain is able to achieve significant recoveries after a vascular brain disease If one has from the beginning in consideration and during the whole time of treatment if the potential recovery of the affected side affection and early beginning of the rehabilitation is taken into consideration from de beginning and during all treatment, the recovery will be less long and the results will be better.
Objective. of our work is to check the results obtained in the initial and final assessments of the patients with ECV incorporated to an early intensive program of Rehabilitation. For this a retrospective study that included a sample of 10 patients with ECV (after suffering the disease) was performed. They were admitted into the Encephalic Static Lessions Clinic of the CIREN, which were included in a program of Multifactorial Intensive Rehabilitation, in a period of 28 days, with six frequencies a week. All the patients they were applied the evaluation of the width to articulate (Goniometry), the evaluation of the march, (frequency of the step in 10 meters and width of averages steps and Hausser Scale) before and after the treatment program. Results of the comparison of the evaluations the improvement reached by the patients was verified, as well as the degree of independence.
Conclusion. Being of great benefit in their functional recovery.
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