2020, Number 2
Harmful oral habits in the different ages from four to fifteen years old in Cuenca, Ecuador
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: the habits study concentrates generally on the primary dentition, so that, it is necessary to know the persistence of harmful oral habits in the different ages of our student population. Methods: a relational and cross-sectional study in the period mentioned above. The universe of study was carried out in students from four to fifteen years old of public educational institutions of Cuenca. The sample was taken by means a simple stratified random sampling with proportional allocation according to the grade of study and school, resulting in a definitive total representative sample of 1627 students. Results: 84.1% of the studied population presented some type of harmful oral habit, exhibiting 53.1% only one habit and 8.8% presented simultaneously the three-macro harmful oral habits. Considering only the students with harmful oral habits, the predominant was to bite the objects in 72.6%, being the nail biting the domineering harmful habit in 47.1%, continued by the position in rest with open-mouth in 54.6% and in 28.4% the sucking habit, inside the last, the sucking of finger was in 15.3%, also a direct light relation between the age of the students and the quantity present of harmful oral habits and a significant association between the habit of biting and position in rest with open-mouth. Conclusions: was elevated the incidence of harmful oral habits, more than three quarters of the study population presented habits, an association existed between the position in rest with open-mouth and the habit of biting, it is essential to warn that at major age of the individual, major it is the number of harmful oral habits.REFERENCES
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