2020, Number 33
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INFODIR 2020; 16 (33)
Challenges of Cuban Biotechnology in the confrontation with COVID-19
Gamboa DY, Lugo VM, García VA, Domínguez AB, González GD
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 491.35 Kb.
Introduction: As a result of the political will of our government, Cuba has a solid development in the research of biotechnology, promoting a strong scientific branch dedicated to the research and elaboration of medical-pharmaceutical products obtained through genetic engineering and biotechnology, which puts us in favorable conditions to face the global pandemic of the COVID-19.
Objective: To determine the challenges of Cuban Biotechnology and its impact in the confrontation to COVID-19.
Development: A revision of the literature available in digital format, consulting 11 bibliographic references in sources such as SciELO, Granma and Pan-American Health Organization was carried out. Different theoretical methods such as: analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction were also used.
Conclusions: Cuban biotechnology has had to deal with different challenges, being the economic-financial blockade the main trigger of the lack of raw materials, the loss of suppliers and of the bank; but even so, Cuban science has known how to overcome these challenges and to face the current global pandemic of COVID-19. The necessary medicines to treat the infected patients are guaranteed, being the interferon Alpha 2B the antiviral that has marked the history of Cuban biotechnology, besides other medicines such as the CIGB-258, the Itolizumab and the Biomodulin T, together with other projects, within which the search of a specific vaccine that eliminates the virus and the development of an efficient diagnostician, constitute the main challenges that still have to be overcome.
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