2020, Number 32
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INFODIR 2020; 16 (32)
Limitations of the Cuban universal neonatal hearing screening 2017
Delgado SO, Rodríguez HJF
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 434.11 Kb.
Introduction: Hearing impairment, because of its frequency and importance, is considered a public health issue, because people with disabilities face obstacles in accessing health services and rehabilitation. Early detection is the first link to timely care.
Objective: To identify the problems and causes that limit universal hearing screening in the Cuban neonatal population.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, conducted from January to December 2017. From the bibliographic and documentary review, the research problem was contextualized at a national and international level. The experts who participated in the research were determined using the Kappa Competence Coefficient. The techniques used to obtain information included brainstorming, weighted group judgement, a Couse-Effect diagram and a SWOT matrix.
Results: The triangulation made it possible to identify the problems and causes that limit universal hearing research and the scientific, organizational and functional potentialities of the network of services for hearing disorders, grouped into four main areas: organizational and strategic, human resource training and education, basic equipment and inputs, and communications.
Conclusions: The main problems identified make it possible to establish lines of action to introduce and implement universal hearing screening in the Cuban neonatal population.
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