2020, Number 3
Information skills as a requirement for academic training in the 21st century
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 147-159
PDF size: 258.34 Kb.
Background: The formation of information skills is a subject investigated internationally, so initiatives arise for its introduction in doctoral training, based on the advances of Information and Communication Technologies.Objective: To assess trends for information skills in doctoral training.
Methodology: Firstly, the collection of bibliographic and documentary information based on detecting, obtaining and consulting the existing bibliography for the study purposes; as well as extracting and compiling the relevant and necessary information to carry out the theoretical-conceptual study related to information skills in doctoral training.
Results: Internationally, the authors’ references and groups coincide about the challenge posed by the introduction of technological changes for doctoral students and define the necessary information skills for supporting this process.
Conclusions: The results obtained allowed to determine the profile followed by the international scientific generality investigating information skills and to establish new links with the stages of educational research and the components of the doctoral training program.
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