2021, Number 1
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Med Int Mex 2021; 37 (1)
Evolution of the opinion of relatives on the limitation of therapeutic effort in elderly patients
Navarro-Jiménez G, Blanco-Portillo A, Pérez-Figueras M, Pérez-Fernández E, García-Caballero R, Velasco-Arribas M
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 45-55
PDF size: 393.04 Kb.
Objectives: To describe the opinion of relatives about diagnostic-therapeutic interventions
in elderly patients admitted at Internal Medicine service and to assess evolution
after 12 years.
Materials and Methods: An observational study in which during 3 months of
2016 a survey was distributed to relatives of patients older than 75 years admitted to
Internal Medicine of the Fundación Alcorcón Hospital. We evaluated the opinion about
diagnostic-therapeutic procedures, punctuating from 1 to 5 the agreement (1: never
and 5: always). We describe differences according to age, dependence, comorbidity
and dementia of the patient and compare the results with those obtained in 2004.
Results: Data from 71 patients were included, 57.7% men, 85 ± 6 years old. The
greatest agreement was obtained in fluid therapy (89%) and analgesia (84%), the lowest
in nasogastric tube (41%), readmission (43%) and invasive diagnosis (43%). Compared
to 2004, there was more agreement in 2016 with cardiovascular resuscitation, invasive
tests, IV antibiotic therapy, repeated IV antibiotic therapy and serum therapy.
Conclusions: Family members of patients were favourable to perform invasive
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, independently of comorbidity, dependence
and cognitive deterioration. This attitude was maintained after 12 years.
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