2020, Number 4
Academic performance in students vs factors that influence their results: a relationship to consider
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 106-121
PDF size: 172.98 Kb.
Background: the analysis of the factors that affect academic performance is useful to design strategies that guide the effective development of the teaching-learning process.Objective: to determine the relationship of factors that influenced the academic performance of medical students, during the first five years of the degree.
Methods: a retrospective analytical study was carried out at Puerto Padre Medical Sciences Branch, in Las Tunas. Theoretical and empirical methods were applied. The analyzed variables were: sex, age, motivation, study habits, intelligence quotient, educational level of parents, family functioning, pre-university performance, manner of entry, repetition of academic years and university results. In the statistical processing, the t-student and Chi-square tests were used.
Results: the average of the grades of the low-achieving students was 0.7 lower; In this group, motivation reached a result of 39.13%, a remarkable fact to highlight; 69.57% of them dedicated less than 15 hours to weekly study. Among those with the highest performance, the academic index in pre-university, the average of the entrance tests to the university and the results in Morphology-physiology were significantly higher.
Conclusions: the factors that influenced the academic performance of students during the first five years of the Medicine degree were determined in the investigated context.
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