2020, Number 4
Percentiles app: pediatric tool for the assessment and learning of nutritional status
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 57-72
PDF size: 214.85 Kb.
Background: the use of information and communication technologies as tools to design learning resources guarantees a quality teaching process in the university context.Objective: to design an effective application in the search for pediatric percentiles, for mobile devices with Android operating system and computers.
Methods: a technological innovation and development research was carried out during the 2015-2016 academic year at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Manzanillo. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and systemic-structural; and empirical ones: the survey in the form of an interview. For the design of the application, the Ubuntu 14.04 operating system was used, as tools were used: Android Studio 1.5, OpenJDK 8, Android SDK and Java 8 as programming language. The product was assessed by computing specialists and teachers and by students as users.
Results: the preparation of the application was carried out in three stages: search for precedents, selection of the tool for its preparation and design of the product that included the didactic script and the selection of the prototype and its correction. It was assessed using the Delphi method, and it was very adequate in all the variables requested.
Conclusions: the computing application was useful as an effective alternative method for finding pediatric percentiles. It constitutes a work and support tool for the specialty teaching.
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