2020, Number 1
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CorSalud 2020; 12 (1)
Cardiovascular manifestations of liver cirrhosis according to its severity evaluated through the Child-Pugh score
Pérez BA, Hernández AE, Pérez GT, Samada SM, Hernández PJC, Puig FMJ, Ravelo LK, Alfonso MOA
Language: English
References: 62
Page: 20-30
PDF size: 670.08 Kb.
Introduction: Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy is a cardiac dysfunction that is present in
patients with liver cirrhosis, in the absence of other heart disease.
Objectives: To ascertain electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings and
arterial oxygenation state in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional stu
dy was conducted with
95 liver transplant recipients at the CIMEQ over the established period. The ChildPug severity classification was applied for this purpose.
Results: We screened 95 patients (53 women [55.7%]) who underwent electrocardiography, echocardiography, and determination of blood oxygen pressure and
oxygen saturation by oximetry. The SPSS (20), with summary measures for qualitative (ratios and percentages) and quantitative (mean and standard deviation)
variables was used. Our results reveal greater compromise of the variables studied in correlation with a greater severity of liver cirrhosis, as assessed by ChildPugh, in relation to S' wave (p=0.03), A wave (p=0.03), pulmonary artery systolic
pressure (p=0.004) and arterial oxygen partial pressure (p=0.004).
Conclusions: Taking into account the Child-Pugh score, study showed a progressive approach to pathological values of echocardiographic variables for the analysis of diastolic function and pulmonary pressures, as well as oxygen content of
arterial blood (PaO2), in the most advanced stages of liver cirrhosis.
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