2020, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2020; 23 (4)
Notes of methodology in special education. behavioral and cognitivebehavioral tradition
Alvarado GIR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1767-1781
PDF size: 163.00 Kb.
The objective of the article is to offer as an introduction the basic
elements of the methodology from the Applied Behavioral Analysis
approach, aimed at the field of special education. Therefore, basic
concepts of education and special education will be discussed, as
well as the defining characteristics of the behavioral methodology,
while the subject of interest is the individual with a developmental
delay, whose approach is based on experimental studies based on
the analysis functional behavior, which implies considering the
subject's behavior in interaction with the physical and social
environment. Contemplating both the organic factors of the
essential responses; as well as the limitations or deficiencies of
environmental stimuli, and the limited behavioral repertoires of a
person with a disability. Reference will be made to three types of
learning that can be applied in care programs: by classical
conditioning, operant, social learning and by observation. We will
end with the presentation of a checklist for carrying out a behavior
modification project aimed at users with limitations in psychological
development, which includes the identification and definition of the
target behaviors, through the informed consent of the users.
participants, choice of a design, until the communication of the
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