2020, Number 4
Behavior of chronology and eruption order of permanent teeth.
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1125-1141
PDF size: 258.60 Kb.
Introduction: Dental eruption is an important part in the development of the individual and can be altered by the influence of different factors.Objectives: To determine chronology and eruption order of permanent teeth. To identify variability of eruption order according to sex, color of the skin and nutritional status.
Methods: a cross- sectional investigation in the area of Alcides Pino Bermúdez Teaching Polyclinic, in the municipality of Holguín, from May 2018 to April 2019. The universe was made up of 3,692 children between ages 5 and 13. The sample was 1,335. The oral cavity examination was performed with natural light and the data was collected on a card.
Results: It was seen that the first tooth to sprout was the first lower molar at 5.80 years old and the last, the second upper molar at 11.41 years old; the lower teeth sprouted first than the upper ones. Maxillary bud sequence: 6, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7 and mandible: 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. By associating tooth bud and sex, a chi-square of 10.53 and p= 0.034 was obtained. The relation between tooth eruption and skin color had a chi-square of 39.48 and a p=0.000, and between tooth eruption and nutritional status, a chi-square of 1265.175 and a p=0.000.
Conclusions: The lower teeth erupted before the upper ones, ahead of schedule. There was a relation between the variables of tooth eruption, sex, skin color and nutritional status.
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