2021, Number 1
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2021; 20 (1)
Eeffect of seven popular diets on weight and body composition in adults: a systematic review
Winterman HB, Ramírez LE, Medellín GAB
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 30-39
PDF size: 274.70 Kb.
Introduction: If a diet offers to reduce weight in a short period, it is defined as a fad or miracle diet. The effect of popular
diets in the short or long term on weight and body composition is not exact.
Objective: To summarize the background and
synthesize the effects of seven popular diets on weight and body composition in adults.
Methods: Five databases were
used, including PubMed and Cochrane. The terms used in the search were fad diet, miracle diet, popular diet, CC, fat mass,
and muscle mass, among other terms. They were combined with logical operators and terms such as Atkins diet, Dukan diet,
Zone diet, Intermittent Fasting, Paleolithic diet, Vegetarian diet, Vegan, and adults.
Results: Eight meta-analyses containing
randomized clinical trials were identified, and six were considered for review. Another 43 trials were consulted for details. The
excluded meta-analyses did not meet the criteria for levels of evidence and the PRISMA guideline.
Conclusions: the popular
diets analyzed could cause weight loss in the short and long term between 4.3 and 10 kg. Changes in body composition have
not been satisfactorily reported. Information is still limited to generalize changes in weight and WC due to popular diets.
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