2020, Number 3
Epidemiology of psychiatric morbidity in Latin America
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 160-174
PDF size: 351.98 Kb.
Background: With the increase in the number of people with psychiatric disorders in Latin American countries, the need to develop epidemiological studies is appreciated to know the distribution of these among the several age groups; however, there are differences ranging from the choice of instruments to the selection and calculation of the sample, which affects the results and their conclusions, such as underreporting and overdiagnosis of disorders, or difficulties in accessing mental health services.Objective: To analyze methodological differences between related studies with psychiatric morbidity in the general population and in primary care health services, also the different findings obtained in these research.
Conclusions: Psychiatric morbidity studies based on the prevalence indicator in Latin America are heterogeneous and include different instruments, classification systems, subjects and sample calculation, as well as their results, so it is pertinent to focus the design of this type of research adjusted to local realities and resources available to define strategies that contribute to service planning and development of mental health policies in this region.
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