2020, Number 3
Life Task. Its integration to the Student Scientific Work from the subject Educational Research Methodology
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 76-88
PDF size: 362.03 Kb.
Background: Life Task is a comprehensive proposal of the Cuban State to confront climate change, in this the Student Scientific Work specific strategies play a relevant role, however, it is necessary to establish mechanisms, forms, ways, procedures to achieve its integration in the teaching-learning process.Objective: To propose teaching tasks that, from the subject Educational Research Methodology, allow the integration of Life Task into Student Scientific Work of the 3rd year of the Elementary Education Bachelor's Degree.
Methodology: A structured pedagogical pre-experiment in diagnosis, execution and evaluation was carried out. The sample, a 3rd year 14 students from the 2018-2019 academic year and 13 teachers who represented the total of the tutors of these students. Methods of the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical level were used.
Results: From the initial diagnosis, teaching tasks were presented in the subject Educational Research Methodology that led to the insertion of Life Task into Student Scientific Work, the evolution of the dimensions evaluated towards the medium and high levels was verified.
Conclusions: The teaching tasks with an instructive, educational, systemic and integrative nature designed from the environmental curricular strategy of the main integrating discipline, articulated in a coherent way with tutoring and scientific research, contribute to the insertion of Life Task into Student Scientific Work. MeSH: FACULTY/education; ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH/education; ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH EDUCATION/methods; ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH/methods.
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