2020, Number 3
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EduMeCentro 2020; 12 (3)
Research object and field of action: components of the scientific research design
Leyva HJ, Guerra VY
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 241-260
PDF size: 712.59 Kb.
Introduction: the object and field of action components may seem obvious, but there is a lack of clarity when defining them and at the time of specifying their functioning in a research design.
Objective: to define the research object component and the field of action, taking into account the methodological and epistemological values so as to the function of them in the research design can be evident.
Methods: 22 books related with research methodology and 13 articles, from the SCOPUS, SciELO, Redalyc and Redib where reference is made to the object and field of research, were reviewed. Philosophical positions of the bibliography that have been considered as classics of the subject, were taken as reference. Theoretical analysis of the criteria we found resulted in our definition and proposal.
Development: the precedence of similar concepts is recognized in order to understand and establish the research domain and research object. The methodological value of the structural-functional identity between the object of study of a science and the research object is analyzed, as well as its relationship with the field of research.
Conclusions: a valid logic to introduce the concepts of research object and field of research, goes through: object, object of knowledge, study object of a science and its relations. The research object has structural-functional unity with the science object about which we are researching, but not the field of research. In the research design this aspects determine the part of what is intended to be investigated.
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