2020, Number 3
Certification of outbreak control, strategy applied for COVID-19, Holguín, 2020
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 856-871
PDF size: 207.78 Kb.
Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), in its final report on health-related millennium development goals in the region of the Americas, raises some priorities such as the need to strengthen capacity in the areas of surveillance, preparedness and response to outbreaks and public health emergencies.Objective: To base, from the theoretical-methodological point of view, the strategy implemented in the certification of outbreak control at the provincial level in Holguín.
Method: The methodology followed is based on field epidemiological research, in the use of the epidemiological method as a scientific one, from the historical-logical approach, assisted by theoretical methods, such as analysis-synthesis and empirical methods, such as literature review, surveys, structured interviews and observation, triangulation of information and public consultation.
Results: However, despite the results, there are still threats and challenges that force the country's health system to maintain strong monitoring and contingency plans activated, which allow forceful actions in the face of health emergencies as it is the case in the rest of the continent.
Conclusions: Certification of outbreak control correctly is a key to prevent the perpetuation of epidemics. Community work, from a multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach, achieves integration with different actors at the social level, therefore, it is a priority direction in field research.
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