2020, Number Esp
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CuidArte 2020; 9 (Esp)
The silent leadership of nursing in mexico: reflections on its transformation
Nigenda LG, Aristizabal HGP
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 23-32
PDF size: 132.50 Kb.
Introduction. The purpose of this document is to argue that the leadership of nursing in Mexico has an
enormous potential for growth and that it is, in large part, silent. It presents cases to demonstrate that nursing
leadership in Mexico’s healthcare system is not properly recognized by either social actors or the state.
Body. Nurses could incorporate several characteristics of leadership in their development in order to reach
higher professional status and training levels as well as a larger role in the production of health services. In
particular, there is an emphasis on the development of a collective leadership, which would help the field of
nursing to accomplish systemic goals rather than group or individual ones. Unlike other professional fields,
nursing education is founded on a humanist base which has been chipped away by changes brought by the last
decades’ healthcare reforms.
Conclusion. Nursing leadership should be based on several principles. It must
preserve its humanistic training. It must establish itself as co-equal when it comes to clinical and management
decisions. It must articulate a consistent plan for the development of nursing as an advanced practice. And,
finally, it must serve as a motor of change, guiding the healthcare system toward the model of primary care.
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