2020, Number Esp
Nivel de automanejo en adultos mayores con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 31-37
PDF size: 262.82 Kb.
Objective: Identify the level of self-management in older adults with chronic diseases surveyed in municipalities of the Altos de Jalisco Region. Method: The study population consisted of 61 Elderly with Non-transmissible Chronic in the municipalities of Acatic, Tepatitlan and Arandas Jalisco; belonging to GAM groups of the Health Secretary. The Participants answered a questionnaire from which sociodemographic characteristics were obtained and the instrument “Partners in Health Scale (PIH)” was use to know its level of self-management, the PIH scale is composed of 12 items and 3 dimensions: knowledge, adherence and management of signs and symptoms. The instrument is evaluated on a Likert scale of 0 to 8 points. Descriptive statistics and the statistical program SPSS version 19 were used for data analysis. Results: In the study population, 95.1% were female, with an average age of 70 ± 7 [63-77]; the mean in years of study is 5 ± 4 [1- 9], 60.7% presented more than one chronic disease. The level of self-management is low at 38.3%; medium with 36.7% and high with 25%. Conclusions: The level of self-management obtained through the PIH instrument presented by the aged in the municipalities of Los Altos de Jalisco region is low, so it is recommended to carry out interventions to improve the self-management level.REFERENCES
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