2020, Number 2
Incidence of communication and information technologies in the formative research development of the Nursing career
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: in the process of formative research development, educational action is involved to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and allow the student to acquire the necessary skills for him to pose questions, together with the management of ICT, in his training as a Nursing Bachelor in order to develop research processes during his academic formation and his practice as a nursing professional, where related disciplines that make up the formation field, Epistemology and Research Methodology, play an important role.Objective: to describe the incidence of ICT in the formative research development of the Nursing career.
Methods: a descriptive and development research in the Nursing career at the Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador, was carried out from May 2017 to October 2018. As a universe, seven disciplines, 32 teachers and area coordinators as well as 704 students from 1st. to 4th. year were selected. Theoretical and empirical methods were used, with the application of questionnaires, which allowed describing the potentialities and limitations in relation to the study under investigation.
Results: it was found that 83.34% of the professors incorporate elements in the different teaching-assistance activities for the development of formative research in the Nursing professional; in the application of elements of the disciplines related to research, it is seen that 72.91% use them; the discipline of Research Methodology has an incidence of 51% and 83.25% of the students recognize that research elements are addressed from the subjects.
Conclusions: the context in which the teaching and learning processes are developed demands a response to new challenges, where the value of tools and methods will have to be revalidated by applying ICT to educate students who need proposals and guidance to help them understand the meaning and value of their learning in a crucial way for the Nursing career.
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