2020, Number 2
Axiological analysis of the perception of health risk
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 460-479
PDF size: 223.26 Kb.
Introduction: in the solution of health problems, the application of Social Sciences, seen from an axiological perspective, oriented towards a conceptual renewal of Public Health plays a decisive role. The axiological approach and communicative competence, define the essentials to achieve a critical citizen awareness, contributing to the development of risk perception, to improve the health of the population.Objective: to analyze from the axiological perspective the perception of the risk in health, to favor the modification of the modes of action in the current circumstances.
Method: a materialistic dialectical analysis was carried out with a critical vision of risk perception, based on the literature review and documentary compilations, from multiple approaches, aimed at the conceptual renewal of Public Health from an axiological perspective. Theoretical and empirical methods were used, with the objective of providing budgets for the attention to the vulnerabilities identified in the community scenarios.
Results: the axiological perspective of risk perception is novel for research and scientific praxis in health. It contributes to the development of a critical awareness towards the improvement of the environment. The significance of communicative competence, the appropriate use of information sources and their interpretation are appreciated. The need to carry out studies from a conception that axiological reflect criteria and concerns of the population is highlighted.
Conclusions: the axiological approach to risk perception is a priority in health services. Communication becomes a mediator for the process of study and decision making, fosters learning environments and a critical awareness, for individual and collective insertion, manifests itself in the transformation of society from its surroundings.
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