2020, Number 2
Education in Science-Technology-Society for postgraduate training at the University of Medical Sciences from Holguín
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 438-459
PDF size: 245.09 Kb.
Introduction: materializing a technological culture contributes to the understanding of scientific-technological phenomena, a sociotechnical change in all its magnitude and the creation of humanistic and technical knowledge lines from critical interpretation with holistic vision.Objective: to substantiate the relevance of Science-Technology-Society(STS) education in postgraduate training at the University of Medical Sciences from Holguín.
Method: theoretical methods such as analysis-synthesis and empirical methods were used: bibliographical review, observation, surveys and structured interviews.
Resultados: the diagnosis applied in this institution in the academic year 2017-2018, in relation to the quantity and quality of publications in high impact journals, research projects, the total number of professionals categorized as teachers and researchers and the academic training acquired until July 2019, as well as the research papers reviewed, showed the prevalence of science interpretation from specialization, absence or poor integrative analysis of knowledge with CTS approach and the implications it generates, aspects that confirm that this is an under-exploited scenario in postgraduate training.
Conclusions: the proposal constitutes a contribution to the cuban perspective of Social Studies of Science and Technology in the health field, to the improvement of theoretical and research conceptions, to the development of the scientific-technological and humanistic culture of the professionals in the sector, as it motivates them for research and innovation from their disciplines, specialties and subspecialties.
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