2020, Number 3
Pandemias de 1918 y 2020, similitudes y diferencias. Apuntes del Dr. José Andrés Martínez-Fortún
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 410-419
PDF size: 299.92 Kb.
Introduction: Dr. José Andrés Martínez-Fortún y Foyo described the events that took place during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. The current experiences of the coronavirus pandemic will allow us to establish a comparison between ancient and present events in similar circumstances. Objective: to compare the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and the 2020 coronavirus pandemic with emphasis on the central area of the country, especially the former Remedios area and its jurisdiction. Methods: we conducted a literature review of old books, as well as texts and journal articles related to the 1918 Spanish flu and 2020 coronavirus pandemics. Development: with similarities and differences, the Spanish flu pandemics in 1918 and the coronavirus in 2020 affected Cuba. In both cases, the spread was through respiratory microdrops, there were sick and dead patients and similar protective measures were established for the population and health personnel. Conclusions: the writings of Dr. José Andrés Martínez-Fortún and Foyo allow us to know the history when remembering the 1918 flu pandemic. This work is a tribute to his effort and the extensive amount of information he wrote and published over the years.REFERENCES
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