2020, Number 1
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Rev Acta Médica 2020; 21 (1)
Surgical checklist or anesthetic safety standards
Cordero EI, Soler MCD
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 431.46 Kb.
Introduction: The role of the surgical checklist as part of the premise "Safe, life-saving surgery" is more directed towards surgery than anesthesiology.
Objective: To elaborate on the importance of using anesthetic safety standards together with the surgical checklist during the surgical procedure.
Methods: An advanced bibliographic search was carried out on May 23, 2015 between 8 and 10 am in the PubMed databases, with the descriptors safety surgery patient AND checklist. On the same day, but from 12 to 14 hours, in this database and using the same language, we searched the descriptors safety anesthetic patient AND guidelines practice anesthesia. In the first search, 506 publications appeared. When the full text filter was activated, it was reduced to 467 articles, 393 of which belonged to the last five years. By adding the reference humanos [humans], 312 reports were obtained, together with 27 clinical trials, 67 systematic reviews 67, 67 meta-analyses. With the second exploration, 72 publications were found. When activating the same filters, there were eight publications, only three systematic reviews, and three meta-analyzes.
Results: It was evidenced that the largest number of articles dealt with the surgical checklist, and that it is not aimed at anesthetic safety. Instead, international standards for anesthetic safety detail the procedures to follow.
Conclusions: The duty of anesthesiologists is to follow the guidelines that guarantee the anesthetic safety of the surgical patient.
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