2019, Number 3
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Rev Acta Médica 2019; 20 (3)
Frequency of MTHFR C677T polymorphism in Cuban patients with thrombophilia
Martínez EMT, Casanueva CK, Tamargo BTO, Hernández AB, Gómez LM, García MG
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 153.99 Kb.
Introduction: Hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with an increased risk of thrombotic
events. Although its role in the pathogenesis of thrombosis is not yet defined, it is proposed
that the heterozygous CT and homozygous TT genotypes of the methylenetetrahydrofolate
reductase gene constitute a risk factor for the development of hyperhomocysteinemia. The
frequency of MTHFR C677T polymorphism varies markedly in each population.
Objective: To determine the frequency of MTHFR C677T polymorphism in a group of
young Cuban adults with a history of at least one thrombotic event.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of 132 patients
aged 18-50 years, of both sexes, from the hematology clinic of Hermanos Ameijeiras
Clinical-Surgical Hospital. MTHFR C677T polymorphism was detected using the
® in-vitro diagnostics commercial kit MTHFR C677T.
Results: 67.80% presented the C allele and 32.20% presented the T allele, of which 47.73%
were heterozygous and 8.33% were homozygous. Only 43.94% (58) presented the normal
CC genotype. No statistically significant association was found regarding gender, skin color
and clinical diagnosis.
Conclusions: It was found that the frequency of MTHFR C677T polymorphism is high
among Cuban patients with thrombophilia, including women who have usually experienced
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