2020, Number 1
Gastronomic proposal with Cavia porcellus
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-12
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Cavia porcellus is used as a kind of meat supply, it is part of the diet and source of sustenance in some regions of the world. In Mexico guinea pig production systems represent an opportunity to produce meat for self-consumption and even for local sale. The objective of this study was to evaluate sensorially the gastronomic proposal based on C. porcellus meat; which consisted of four stews (in mushroom cream, roasted, sweet and sour marinade and in yellow mole) and were tasted by 40 judges not trained by an acceptability test with a structured scale of hedonic satisfaction, the attributes considered were the appearance, smell, taste, tenderness and juiciness. Data were analysed using an Ascendant Hierarchical Classification and Principal Component Analysis to construct the quadratic mapping model of external preferences. The results indicated that for type 2 consumers there is a significant effect (R2=0.976, p‹0.05), determining their general acceptance in common by guinea pig cream mushrooms. It was concluded that the gastronomic proposal of the four guinea pig stews was accepted, but the most widely accepted was the cuy in cream of mushroom soup.REFERENCES
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