2020, Number 278
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16 de abril 2020; 59 (278)
Sexual dysfunction in middle-aged women with menstrual disorders
Tomé DPA, González CCC, Zayas FE
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 354.53 Kb.
Introduction: Menstrual disorders, which are very often associated with sexual dysfunction as part of the symptoms of climacteric syndrome, are among the main reasons for consultation in middle-aged women.
Objective: To describe the main sexual dysfunctions in middle-aged women who attended the multidisciplinary consultation of climacteric and menopause because they were presenting menstrual disorders.
Material and methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out at “Ramón González Coro” Gyneco-obstetric Hospital during 2014-2019. The sample consisted of 897 women. The data were processed digitally, using descriptive statistics. The results were obtained by elementary calculation methods and they were ordered and tabulated for comparison using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel 2010.
Results: A total of 309 women presented Hyperpolymenorrhea, representing a 34.5%; decrease in sexual desire predominated in 758 women (84.5%) and dyspareunia was in 412 of them (45.9%). In those women with decreased sexual desire, the predominant menstrual disorders were hyperpolymenorrhea in 131 patients (17.8%) and metrorrhagia in 93 of them (12.3%).
Conclusions: Decrease in sexual desire followed by dyspareunia and lastly, by orgasmic dysfunction were the main sexual dysfunctions identified in the women studied. Sexual desire disorders were associated with hyperpolymenorrhea and bleeding; dyspareunia was associated with amenorrhea, and orgasmic dysfunction was unrelated.
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