2020, Number 3
Multiple brain abscess of the right temporary lobe, report of a case
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Brain abscess is a focal infectious process of the brain parenchyma. It begins with a located area of cerebritis and progresses to a pus collection surrounded by a wellvasculirized capsule. Mortality oscillates from 5 % to 15% of the cases, except in the intraventricular rupture of the brain abscess, situation in which mortality oscillates from 38 % to 84 %, with high rates of disability in survivors. The case presented is the case of a patient aged 47 years, with infectious neurologic symptoms besides neurologic signs showing the functional disorder of the non-dominant temporal lobe. Several complementary tests were carried out and two right temporal brain abscesses were diagnosed. The patient underwent a neurosurgery; his evolution was satisfactory with the almost total regression of the symptoms before surgery.REFERENCES
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