2020, Number 3
Behavior of liver diseases in pregnancy valued by Gastroenterology
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: Pregnancy supposes changes in the woman's physiology. These changes can lead to the appearance of illnesses affecting the liver, such as Hellp syndrome, intrahepatic cholestasis gravidarum, acute hepatic steatosis of pregnancy, among others, that can rebound in the course of the gestation.Materials and methods: a cross-sectional retrospective, descriptive, observational study was carried out in 52 pregnant women that were valued in Gastroenterology due to the suspicion of liver diseases during pregnancy in 2018; they were the universe of the study and the aim was determining the behavior of liver diseases during pregnancy in pregnant women valued in the service of Gastroenterology of the university hospital “Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández” of the province of Matanzas: The studied variables were: gestational trimester, symptoms and signs, analytical results; nosological entity, type of delivery and neonatal complications. A form was draw up to collect data. The results were analyzed in absolute frequencies and percentages and showed in tables.
Results: The third semester pregnant women predominated with 61.7 %. Pruritus was the most frequent symptom in 33 pregnant women (63.6 %). High levels of serum transaminases were present in 100 % of the studied women. The most frequent disease was chronic hepatitis caused by virus B in 19 pregnant women (36.5 %), followed by intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy with 25 %. Most of deliveries were performed by cesarean (94.2 %). The main neonatal complication was low weight at birth in 26 (39.4 %).
Conclusions: liver diseases that are proper of gestation behaved in the same frequency as they are described in literature in relation to the predominating semester, although it was significant the incidence of assessed pregnant women with infection caused by the virus of hepatitis B diagnosed during pregnancy; it was the main cause of the observed neonatal complications.
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