2020, Number 1
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RSS 2020; 26 (1)
Perception of masturbation and the use of vibrators in sexually active women
Godoy-Peña PS, Contreras-García Y
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 55-69
PDF size: 293.26 Kb.
Self-stimulation of female genitalia is a practice with taboos and low empirical information.
Objective. To explore the perception of sexually active women about masturbation and the use of vibrators, in Greater Concepción, in 2019.
Methodology. Qualitative and exploratory parameters, with a phenomenological approach, were used. The information was obtained from 35 women divided into 3 focus groups. The discourse analysis was carried out by dense description, exploring four categories: sex education, sexual satisfaction, masturbation, and the use of vibrators. Data were examined through triangulation of information and the program R Project, version 3.5.1. This study was approved by the ethics committees of the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Concepción.
Results. The study showed that female masturbation is a topic rarely addressed in sexual education. Sexual satisfaction is associated with the stimulation of senses, the sexual experimentation as a couple, and the innovative situational context. Masturbation propitiated the autonomy of sexual pleasure. The use of the vibrator allowed the discovery of new sensations or the increment of the experienced ones. In addition, two emerging categories were identified: guilt, associated with social and religious prejudices, and the ignorance of female erogenous zones by men, which affected sexual practice as a couple.
Conclusion. The practice of female masturbation favored the self-management of pleasure, increased sexual communication as a couple and the liberation of pre-established social mandates.
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