2020, Number 2
Observance of ethics in research presented at the scientific conference of the
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 765.37 Kb.
Introduction: Despite the existence of ethical standards for biomedical research, they are not always respected when conducting and presenting a scientific study.Objective: To evaluate the observance of ethical principles in the research presented at Scientific Conferences held at Joaquín Albarrán Clinical Surgical Hospital in Havana, Cuba, from 2015 to 2018.
Material and Methods: Descriptive crosssectional study evaluating all research works presented from 2015 to 2018. The ethical aspects that should be met and reflected in a scientific investigation were assessed. The universe was composed of 268 works. Five aspects validated by the criteria of 8 experts in the subject were evaluated. The score between 5 and 8 points was considered bad; between 9 and 12 points regular and, with 13 points, it was considered good.
Results: There was a discrete predominance in the participation of clinical profile studies. The observance of ethics was rated as bad in 73,1 % of the investigations. The ethical aspects evaluated with 1 point (Bad) predominated; “the declaration of conflict of interest” that was not found in 230 studies (85,8 %).
Conclusions: The observance of ethics in the research works reviewed was bad, so it is essential to carry out training actions among professionals and professors who are directly involved in the training of students and conducting research.
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