2020, Number 2
Cognitive and affective factors in teaching and learning of English as a foreign language
Angel RN, García HG, García FT, Mata LJ
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 230-237
PDF size: 96.96 Kb.
Proficiency in English demands the acquisition of the student's communicative competence through the teaching-learning process in their attempt to meet the demands of a competent professional. Using it for communicative purposes is an increasingly demanded capacity in the competitive working world; but this purpose, like that of any foreign language, includes a long process of appropriation of the language, a path full of obstacles for the student who is acquiring grammatical, lexical, functional and cultural tools, and in turn they are developing the learning strategies and skills that allow them to increase their linguistic and communicative competence. The authors aim to socialize some cognitive and affective factors that favor this process, based on their teaching experiences.REFERENCES
O’Shanahan I, Siegel LS, Jiménez JE, Mazabel S. Analizando procesos cognitivos y de escritura en niños hispano-parlantes que aprenden inglés como segunda lengua y niños canadienses de habla inglesa. Eur J Educ Psychol [Internet]. 2015 [citado 28/05/2019];3(1):[aprox. 15 p.]. Disponible en: https://formacionasunivep.com/ejep/index.php/journal/article/view/37/52