2020, Number 2
Professional motivation towards the Medicine degree in Santa Clara students of “Captain Roberto Rodríguez” pre-university
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 76-91
PDF size: 147.27 Kb.
Background: the choice of a degree constitutes a complex decision for pre-university students because their professional thinking is not well defined for the future.Objective: to characterize the professional motivation towards the medical degree in eleventh grade students of “Captain Roberto Rodríguez” pre-university of Santa Clara.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out with a two-stage design from September 2018 to February 2019. Theoretical methods were used for the foundation of the research, empirical ones: survey, essay and completeness of sentences to obtain information in correspondence with the proposed objective, and mathematical-statistic for the values in figures.
Results: it was found that the reasons that most influence students to opt for the medical degree are love and respect for the profession, helping the population and the influence of family and/or friends, which respond to the socially expected ; but they are not internalized in the majority which was confirmed when analyzing the results of the applied exploration techniques: there was a predominance of a low level of knowledge about the future profession, little affective link to it, and inadequacies in self-assessment and future projection of its personality.
Conclusions: the reasons for opting for the medical degree in the students of the aforementioned pre-university students were determined, and the need for professional guidance actions at this level of education to strengthen the motivation for future medical performance was confirmed.
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