2020, Number 1
Mental maps and mobile learning devices for the management of independent work in morphology-physiology subject
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 408.64 Kb.
Introduction: in these times, learning and teaching implies adopting non-traditional models and promoting ways to access to knowledge, in which the development of mobile learning devices lead to the appearance of new models and methodologies for the presentation of learning contents.Objective: to prepare a mobile application of mental maps to synthesize, organize and graphically present to the student the support information for their self-preparation during the execution of independent work, as well as their meaningful learning.
Development: the results correspond to a descriptive, longitudinal and prospective research and to the preliminary application of a strategy responding to the improvement of the management of independent work in the subject morphology-physiology in Dentistry Studies at Pinar del Río University of Medical Sciences, which was made considering the possibilities that as a learning resource offers the application for Android, Mindomo, version 3.0.15 aimed at creating schemes and mental maps, which allowed to represent the contents of the subject free of the linear organization offered by the textbooks or materials that are part of the literature.
Conclusions: the schemes and mental maps created by means of mobile learning devices, allowed to synthesize, organize and graphically present to the students the support information for their self-preparation during the management of the independent work; it favored the integration of the contents of morphology and physiology, emphasizing its invariants, as well as to the significant and collaborative learning to solve the teaching tasks.
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