2020, Number 1
Epidemiological factors associated with strokes in San Juan y Martinez municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 238.63 Kb.
Introduction: silent stroke can occur or be clinically expressed as an acute event of neurological deficit with permanent sequelae.Objective: to characterize the epidemiological factors associated with strokes in San Juan y Martínez municipality during the period of November 2017 to May 2018.
Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross sectional study was conducted. The target group compri sed 706 patients diagnosed with cerebrovascular accident in the period studied. The sample consisted of 200 patients who met the inclusion criteria established in the research.
Results: according to age groups and sex, 62 % belonged to male sex and the pre dominant age was from 70 to 79 years, 43 % of patients were smokers, 55 % had a personal pathological history of strokes, in 97 % of the cases there was an ischemic cerebrovascular accident and among the associated diseases hypertension predominated in 43, 1 % of the patients.
Conclusions: stroke prevention is based on the maintenance of healthy habits and lifestyles, the standard of living should be associated with low risk factors, which in turn should be linked to a lower risk of suffering from multiple c hronic diseases and may also be favorable in the prevention of strokes, especially those of ischemic types.
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